About Me

I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a daughter, and a teacher. I am many things, especially a writer. I am a person who loves the Lord. I am a Child of God. I am a Christian under construction. I want to be a Christ-like Christian. I want Jesus to call me "a woman who loves sharing about our Lord and Savior with others."

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Continue to pray...

I took my son to work this morning at 7 am and laid back down to take a cat nap.  For me that is usually about 30 minutes and if I am lucky an hour.  Well, someone called and woke me up at 11:30.  Four hours of a cat nap.  Such luxury!!  I am not sure why I got to sleep that long, but oh how I am happy I did.  Today is the last day I have the luxury to take a cat nap during the morning hours.  I have to work a double shift tomorrow at the store (7:30 am to 9:30 pm) and then I start a new job on Monday.  It is at a daycare called Tot Rock Academy.  It opened in February of this year.  It can hold 105 children and has 60 enrolled.  I will be the master teacher and supervise 6 teachers.  I will be the assistant director and eventually she wants to train me to be the director of the daycare.  I am excited and nervous about starting another new job. I will be working at the daycare from 6:30 am to 3pm and then have a 30 minute drive home and get ready and go to work at the store at 4pm.  I know this will be exhausting but I have to do it in order to pay my expenses.   Please continue to pray...

My son is doing good at his job.  He is making his payments on his fines.  He is going to the meetings each week (AA and NA).  He is not running around with his old friends and he seldom goes to the nightclub he likes to frequent on occasion.  He does not want to go back to jail.  Please continue to pray...

My daughter is struggling right now to keep her rental house that she has made a home to her children on the weeks she has them.  Her boyfriend/fiance makes $25 an hour and they moved into a very high in rent house.  It is beautiful and he wanted the best for their family.  That was good until he got put in jail and now has  to do 9 months in jail.  He was in drug court for quite some time when they got together but they didn't expect him to have to do jailtime.  Now she will have to move and does not have any money and I do not have any to help her.  Please continue to pray...

As you know my husband tried to commit suicide.  They sent him to a facility for evaluation and was supposed to stay 3 days but he just called and said they are releasing him because they need the beds.  I don't think this is a good idea.  I know that he is sorry right now and will say he knows he did wrong and that he will never do it again and that he is going to quit drinking, but after 29 years of hearing that over and over I don't think this overnight stay will help him at all.  I am sure the cycle will begin again and then I will end up going to my safehouse and the sickness will start all over again.  I don't know how much longer I can endure this way of life.  I need you to continue to pray that I will remain faithful in all that I do and all that I think to the Lord and come out victorious in the name of Jesus...

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