About Me

I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a daughter, and a teacher. I am many things, especially a writer. I am a person who loves the Lord. I am a Child of God. I am a Christian under construction. I want to be a Christ-like Christian. I want Jesus to call me "a woman who loves sharing about our Lord and Savior with others."

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Trying to climb out

of this depression pit that I am in again.  Been fighting depression for years.  Some times it gets worse than others and right now I am afraid it is pretty bad.  See, I usually can journal and write what is bothering but lately I just don't have anytime or opportunities to write anything.  I have been missing so much church that I have not been able to talk to my friends there.  I can't talk to anyone at work (either job) because well I don't want them to know about me being depressed.  And well can't talk to my family, especially my husband, because they are contributing factors to my depression.  I need to talk to someone or I will go much deeper and I am afraid I won't overcome it this time.  So, without going into detail I will just ask you to pray for me.  I need to be uplifted in prayer so the Lord will be victorious and I can give Him the glory for overcoming depression again.  Thank you, Marshel

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