About Me

I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a daughter, and a teacher. I am many things, especially a writer. I am a person who loves the Lord. I am a Child of God. I am a Christian under construction. I want to be a Christ-like Christian. I want Jesus to call me "a woman who loves sharing about our Lord and Savior with others."

Sunday, January 8, 2012

First Post of the New Year!!

I am supposed to be working on my paper that is due for my marketing class.  But I am taking advantage of my husband being at our daughter's house without me.  Yes, he was able to go there without me.  Not without pouting and getting angry but I told him I had to do my paper.  It is very important to pass this class.  Anyway, he went and I am going to post a quick entry then get back at my paper completion. 

I have only 9 more weeks and I will have my masters.  That is if I pass this marketing class and my last class after this one.  I don't know if I will pass marketing but I am sure going to do my best.  I am worried that after all this I won't pass.  But that happens to me every time I get this close to a degree.  My associates, my bachelors all caused me worry.  And when I went to take my teacher's exam it really worried me.  I double guess myself.  I don't have enough confidence in myself.  So, please hold me up in prayer that I will be able to overcome these jitters and get passed the worrying and just do what I do and that is to do my best. 

I am so excited about obtaining this masters.  I did it for myself and not an employer.  I want to have a masters before I get too old.  I should have had it years ago but I was not at a place in my life where I could have completed it.  I am now and I am ready to finish.  But now hang onto your seats.  I want to continue my education.  I am going to take some computer classes at the local votech center to get current with all of the new programs.  I want to be proficient in excel, access, powerpoint, outlook, and whatever else comes up by then.  I will take my first classes this summer.  I just don't think I will ever quit going to school.  It is my drug of choice.  I would probably shrivel up and die if I was not going to school.  Call me crazy.  But I truly enjoy studying and doing papers and learning and I really love making As.  My masters classes has not been as successful as I want. I only have a 2.9 gpa right now.  I need a 3.0 overall gpa to graduate.  Pray I will be successful and graduate. 

Well, time to go ahead and get busy with my paper.  Marketing is very interesting.  I just am so tired and sleepy all the time that it is hard to work on it for hours at a time.  Sitting at the computer I fall asleep and this is one thing that my husband can't help me with.  He drives me so I won't fall asleep at the wheel.  Only he knows nothing about computers he can't do my paper for me.  So, until next entry have a blessed new year.  Love Marshel

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