I have read most of Max Lucado's books and enjoy every one of them. He writes in such a way that my interest is kept and I find I can't put the book down until I have finished it. This book is not written as if it is a story. It is a book of compiled questions that he has been asked throughout the years from his many readers, friends, and family. He has 171 questions with his answers to them. The questions are divided into 7 categories: Hope, Hurt, Help, Him/Her, Home Haves/Have-Nots, and Hereafter. Each answer is accompanied with Scripture to support what he provides for an answer. At first when I started reading the book I thought to myself "Oh this is going to be like a 'Dear Abby' type of format. But the more I read, the more I realized it was more like a person actually asking his or her pastor these very same questions. As a matter of fact the majority of the 171 questions I have had myself. I have asked my own pastor them. And Max Lucado had the same answers as my pastor. There were a few questions I already knew the answer to, so I skipped them at first. Then when I finished reading all of the book, I went back and reread the questions I skipped. Some of the subjects I had never had questions about on a personal level, but it was good to know that the answers were there in case I have someone who may ask those kinds of questions. I am glad to have this book as a part of my Max Lucado collection. It would make a good gift for a new Christian who is learning and growing in the Lord. As I mentioned earlier, he uses Scripture and everyone should always refer to the Bible when needing answers and advice.
I received this book free for doing a review on it for the blogger site found at http://www.booksneeze.com/.
Lazarus Awakening by Joanna Weaver
This is the third book in the author's trilogy. I did not read "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" or "Having a Mary Spirit". But Lazarus Awakening is written in such a way that one does not need to read the other two in order to "catch up" and be current where the Lazarus book begins. The author has written the book where its message can stand alone without needing to read the other two. But I enjoyed the book so much that I am planning on reading the other two. If you feel as if you can't begin reading the Lazarus book until you read the other two, that is not necessary. If you already have the book, then most definitely begin reading it. It will be worth it.
I chose this book because it stated it has a 10 week companion Bible Study. That is the first thing that intrigued me. I enjoy books that have a study with them. So, I sat out with a plan in mind to read the book for the review and then do the study at a later time. But upon reading the book I became so interested in what the author was sharing and teaching that I knew I would have to do the study sooner than anticipated.
I have heard many sermons on Lazarus. I have done a lesson or two with my own Sunday School class on Lazarus. But Joanna Weaver presented the story of Jesus' friend in a whole new direction no one has taken before. I did not want to put the book down, but due to life getting in the way I had to. So, I would read it each opportunity I got and was not disappointed when I got to the end. The author was able to keep my attention throughout the entire book. I did not even skip pages just to get through the book. There have been books I have started reading that I did not think I could through it unless I skipped a page or two and this was not one of those types of books.
The author presents the book from a different angle. It is as if we are the ones entombed and are hearing Jesus say to us "Lazarus come out!" There are many instances, times in our lives when we may feel as if we are like Lazarus, dying spiritually, and needing for Jesus to come and heal us. But then those times take us into the tomb instead. We feel as if we are alone in our spiritual death. But then the Lord brings someone to roll away the stone and we are freed of the rags that bind us. And we hear Jesus calling our name "Marshel come out!" Yes, Jesus could have arrived in time for me to be healed before I had to suffer through the spiritual death. But as He told the others upon arriving at Lazarus' tomb, it was for the benefit of the people standing there that they would believe that it was the Lord that sent Him. If we are healed before the time we need to learn what the Lord wants us to know then we will more than likely not give the credit to the one it should go to - Jesus and our Lord.
Reading this book made me realize that there are times I don't want to be ridden of the burden of the rags that bind me up and keep me where I am, entombed. If I take the rags off I may have to get up and start living again. There are times I don't want my friends and family to go to Jesus and ask for His help. I want to wallow in my tomb of self-destruction, self-pity. But Jesus loves me too much for that to happen. And when He comes and calls my name I cannot fight His power the Words hold. I have to come out. Come out of the tomb and go to Him. He could carry me out. He could force me out. He could. But all He does is call my name and say "come out". That is all I need. Through those words I know I am loved, that I have a friend and Savior, and that I want to live. Joanna Weaver was able to touch my heart with how she portrayed Lazarus in this book. We know Mary and Martha more than their brother, but after this book I believe he played a very important part in the ministry of Jesus. I know that I want to meet Him in Heaven and talk with Him. He was Jesus' friend and I want to be that kind of friend to Jesus too.
The Bible study is good for individual use or for a group. You will benefit from this study. If you journal as I do then this will be a great companion to your journaling experience. It offers many prompts and you will have many things to write about in your journal. I recommend this book with a rating of 5 stars. You will not be disappointed. I have written this review for WaterBrook Multnomah Publishers. I received this book free in exchange for my honest review. Please rate my review found at http://www.bloggingforbooks.org/.