About Me

I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a daughter, and a teacher. I am many things, especially a writer. I am a person who loves the Lord. I am a Child of God. I am a Christian under construction. I want to be a Christ-like Christian. I want Jesus to call me "a woman who loves sharing about our Lord and Savior with others."

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Good Afternoon Friends!

I have to get ready for work in a few minutes, but got an opportunity to write so best take it while I can.  Gordon took a friend of his to sell some junk so I thought I would tell ya'all howdy before I head off to work.  I am still just working the one job at Dollar General, but praise the Lord I have it.  I am waiting for my criminal background check to come back so I can start substituting.  I am sure it will come back good.  I don't recall any criminal activity I could be guilty of doing. ha.  But I sure need to have the two jobs to make ends meet.  Right now the ends are so far apart they can't even see one another...

I do have good news though.  I made a B+ in my statistics class.  I really thought I did poorly and was expecting a C.  Guess I was able to pull that one off huh.  Next is corporate finance.  Don't know anything about it but didn't know anything about statistics either.  I do have a dear friend who is a math teacher and she has agreed to tutor me for free when I need it.  I definitely will be calling on her this go round I bet.  This class and two more and I will be finished and have a masters.  Almost done.  Hooray.

I don't have much free time on my hands with work and school and every other week the grandbabies.  Okay, they are seven (on Sat.) and five years old.  They are not babies, but they are my GRANDbabies.  If I were able to write on a daily basis I could post something about them every day.  They provide me with so much writing material.  They are my prompts. 

I do try to enter in the www.mprompt2s4journaling.blogspot.com as often as possible.  The most recent one is titled "Are you an ethical person?"  I was actually prompted about it by my corporate finance homework.  I figured out the other day that I do journal daily on the computer because I am always having to answer questions for the instructor and include personal opinions.  That is journaling.  I may include more of my posts to school in my prompts if the case lends itself to become one.  I truly enjoy posting different kinds of prompts.  I have been finding new prompt sites and have included them in the prompt blog also.

Well, I know my time on this blog is not what it should be, but I will do my best to visit often.  May you discover a treasure provided by the Lord today that you can share with others.  Love, Marshel

1 comment:

  1. So thrilled to hear how well you did at stats - I am sure the new paper will be a breeze after that! Such strange papers they make you (and us here in NZ) take even when what you're studying has nothing to do with it! My hubby started a computer degree, and had to take papers such a philosophy despite the fact he never uses it!
