I started my new job last week. It is going to take a while to get my class under control. So, there will be alot of praying on my part. I want the Lord to get the glory from my new job because I know it is the answer to many prayers. One very big answer is the rest the job will provide. Yes, rest. See, after working with preschool for 15 years I never got a lunch hour or a break from the children. This new job I get a "clock out" lunch hour. I can leave for an hour. And since it is only a less than 5 minute drive from my house I can go home and take a 30 minute nap. It is wonderful to get that rest everyday. Saving on gas. Saving on driving time. Saving on stress. God opened the door and now I must yell from the rooftop how awesome He is.
I have to make some more adjustments to our budget and well, since I no longer have to do homework every day there is no reason to really have the internet except for personal reasons. And that is not a good enough reason to pay a hundred dollars a month for internet and a home landline. We have two cell phones so we can still have those. They are pay as you go phones so we use the amount of minutes that I have cash to pay for. And that is okay since we don't spend much time on the phone. If I need to use the internet I can go to the library or to my pastor's house. That is the changes that is coming. No home phone or internet. And that will be okay. It is more important to have the money for food.
I applied for food assistance and they said I make too much. Yeah. I work forty hours a week at my day job at minimum wage. At my night job I don't see any of the money. I work 15 hours a week or more at minimum wage and it all gets garnished to the bankruptcy lawyer. So all we live on is my day job wages. And they said I make too much money. Prayed about it and the answer is to eliminate the internet and home phone. Since I make too much to get any assistance I am on my own. And that is how it has been for almost all of my married life. I have had to do it all without a working husband. Even when he worked he drank so much I never seen the money. That is why I ended up in the long run filing bankruptcy. Tried to take financial matters in my own hands. The results? Bankruptcy and foreclosure in the future. What I needed to do was put the matters in the Lord's hands and trust Him to help me in His way and time. The answer to my financial woes is ask the Lord for assistance. Turn the matters over to Him and He will provide answers to all of my woes. I feel it will take a miracle to get me out of the troubles I got myself into, but I am already seeing how the Lord's plans are coming to light. And that is the changes that is coming. Marshel is going to trust and obey the Lord and change her the way she has been doing things. The first change is just living my life for the Lord the way I know I should. Put the Lord first. That is the hardest change for me. I have been compromising with the Lord and Gordon. Straddling the fence I guess. Well, I cannot serve the Lord and Gordon too so there are changes coming there too. Just need you all to pray that I can remain strong and the Lord will be victorious.
If you don't hear from me just remember to pray and sooner or later I will find a way to get online and do a post. May you have a life filled with blessings and know that the Lord is Lord. God bless you, Marshel
Posting when I can; praying I can post more often. Wanting to develop a better blog; praying I have more opportunities to turn this into the blog it is meant to be.
About Me
- Marshel
- I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a daughter, and a teacher. I am many things, especially a writer. I am a person who loves the Lord. I am a Child of God. I am a Christian under construction. I want to be a Christ-like Christian. I want Jesus to call me "a woman who loves sharing about our Lord and Savior with others."
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